A better way to “Bee”. We are Big Time “Bee-Leavers” here @ BeeLove.Fun. We are “bee-leaving” bee families to live, by ushering in the change from the modern practice of “Bee extermination services” over to the advantageous practice of “live Bee hive relocation services” during those challenging, unexpected encounters with bees.

It is environmentally advantageous to “Leave Bees” to live. Studies show that the nature of all environments do 70% better in the presence & stewardship of our bee families, producing 70% more & better *farm yields, *garden yields & *air quality.

Welcome to BeeLove.Fun a Bee Conscious Fundraising Production

***If in need of Live BeeHive Relocation Services***

Following, is insight on the common “problems & solutions” of “bee & people encounters”, that have been leading to “bee life exterminations” over “live bee relocations”, “what BeeLove.Fun is doing about it?” & “how you may help” if you’d like.

Bee families are getting exterminated at an alarming rate during there encounters with people. The “daily exterminations” of bees lives by people, is a huge factor that has been stifling the regrowth of our “bee life populations”. BeeLove.Fun aims to direct awareness & practices of “bee life saving solutions”, in place of “exterminations!”

Through assistance with BeeRescueFoundation, we’ve become aware that bee families have been getting exterminated at an alarming rate since before 2007.
Bee families, just like people families, need a place to live & grow.  Sometimes the Queen Bee of an establishing hive may choose to live or momentarily settled in a location that’s a little “too close” for the comfort of some humans.

Listed are some common example scenarios of “bee life & human life encounters” that often lead to the call for one of only two forms of professional bee service options available, which is; “option #1). the extermination services” & “option #2). the live beehive relocation services.”

  • Example #1:  Bees settling into the eves & walls of an elderly person’s or newborn baby’s room, or someone who is deathly allergic to bee stings.
  • Example #2: Contractors hired to complete a “time sensitive” job where they discover there is a beehive interfering with the completion of their work.
  • Example #3: Management in property sales or open houses are held up by bees on the property.
  • Examples #4+: Car Dealerships, Hotels and a plethora of other businesses, are inadvertently held up by unexpected “pop-up Beehive communities”, that  Just like you and I, needed a place to live.

Bee service calls for such examples lead to “one of only two outcomes for the bees”, which is either; these bee families are killed through the “life taking-extermination service option” or the bee families are saved through the “life preserving-live beehive relocation service option”. All of these scenarios should conclude with “all lives preserved”, but history & current track records reveal that bees are still, often exterminated at an alarming rate, daily & this is exactly what BeeLove.Fun, aims to change!

It is said that “a Plant life is a life that is sleeping, an Animal life is a life that is dreaming & a Human life is a life that is consciously interacting.” If you ever find yourself in a scenario where the fate of you & your family’s lives were “at the mercy of another life’s choosing”, I trust that most of us would hope that, that life would “choose to respect & preserve our lives too”. Let’s just make it a practice to respect & preserve all life!

Why have people been choosing “the life taking – extermination services option” over “the life saving- live beehive relocation services option?”

Following are the 4 most common reasons leading to the (a)problem of these “Bee Life exterminations”, coupled with alternative (b)solutions to these problems, plus (c)how BeeLove.Fun is implementing the practices of these life preserving solutions & (d)how you may participate if desired, that when practiced, these solutions lead to the “respect & preservation of life for all parties” of bee life & human life encounters.


#1a). Problem #1: The problem of unawareness, that there are”Live BeeHive Relocation Options”: There are a lot of people that are still unaware that there are “Live BeeHive Relocation Options” when it comes to Bee family encounters.

#1b). The solution to this “unawareness” of bee life preserving alternatives, is “awareness”: Sharing the insight of “Live BeeHive Relocation Options.”

#1c). How BeeLove.Fun practices the solutions of sharing the awareness of “Live BeeHive Relocation Options” to all: BeeLove.Fun Collaborates with Artist to create and upload awareness videos to our YouTube channel & our social network platforms.

#1d). How you may help by practicing the solutions of sharing awareness of “live beehive relocation options” to all:

  • You: ¹ May easily share these awareness videos across your own social media platforms via copy & past video awareness links as well as sharing to friends and family via text & or email.
  • You: ² If you are a Videographer, Photographer or Content – creator, then you too may create “live beehive relocation option”, awareness content.
  • You: ³ May financially sponsor the production of these informational videos. (email: BeeLoveDotFun@gmail.com att: Sponsor info video productions)
  • We Together: Utilize word-of-mouth, & technology to flood the internet & saturate the world with fun, short & simple informative videos that bring awareness of “live beehive relocation options”to the viewers, of our world’s “regrowing bee population” along with some practices of “bee life saving solutions”.

#2a). Problem #2. The problem of “limited Time”: The average “live beehive relocation” process requires more time than a quick & easy extermination. Unfortunately, out of convenience, some will choose to save “their time” to keep up with the schedule of their deadlines, over sparing the lives of the bees.

#2b): Problem of limited time & the Solution of speeding up an Intricate “live beehive relocation service!” with efficiency & life of the beehive as a top priority.

#2c). BeeLove.Fun: Is collaborating with established beekeepers, live beehive relocation specialist & pest control companies to influence the creation & implementation of a specialized division of their own “Emergency Extraction Live Beehive Relocation Special Ops Task Force!” E.E.L.B.R.S.O.T.F (EELBrso Taskforce ………o_O!?)

#2d). How you may help:

  • You: ¹ “Get in where you fit in!” =) If you are a Handyman/General Contractor & or a Pro-beekeeper, Novice beekeeper, Strategist or an enthusiast, especially with a “Special Ops military task force wild hair up your butt,” (O!O) this is for you! Assemble & get it done. Mindful of the top two priorities of “bee life & time”, quickly in-and-out with the lives of the bee families, leaving the place in better shape than it was when 1st arrived! Much like NineOneOne calls will deliver one police car, one ambulance & one fire truck, our “emergency extraction live beehive relocation special ops task force” is complete with one strategist – for optimal efficiency, one bee rescue specialist – for optimal bee life care & one contractor – to close up, repair & make it look like they were never there in the 1st place, minus the absence of the now saved bees! Covering all the bases, this is a $1500 hundred dollar crew @ $500 each that’ll need to be “Ready to Rock @ ALL TIMES”, with an “In & Out Completion average time of 35 MINUTES OR LESS.” If this is Your Passion, PLEASE Get on board at BeeLoveDotFun@gmail.com for direction. (Att: EELBrso TaskForce hands on-team player)
  • You: ² If it is in your power to do so, You may financially sponsor in whole or in part, these forms of “Special Ops Emergency Live BeehHive Relocation Extractions” and/or financially sponsor some & or part of the equipment, required to fulfill the savings, of Bee Families needing this form of helpful service. (Email: BeeLoveDotFun@gmail.com Att: Sponsor EELBrso TaskForce)
  • We Together:  Are a part of the KickAss solutions, to the regrowing bee population by saving bee families that are short on time.

#3a). The problem of ordered bee life exterminations: The Exterminators themselves, like you & I are individual people who need income to assist with the cost of living. Exterminators are hired & trained to do a job, they’re doing what they are paid & trained to do to make a living.

#3b). The problem of ordered bee life exterminations & the solution of “collaborative extermination intervention sponsorship“. Ie: Intercept, financially compensate & collaborate with the Exterminators to team up with & arrange for a “live beehive relocation specialist” to fulfill the “bee rescue!” The bees don’t *need to die, they just *need to be relocated.

#3c). BeeLove.Fun: Encourages the practice of “Extermination Intervention” so much so that we offer “Reimbursing Sponsorships”, that cover the cost of all 3 parties involved & provides additional cash incentivized rewards that really help make it a win win for all.” BeeLove.Fun “Exterminator Intervention – Sponsorship Payout”: Offers: 1). To: you, our “Negotiating Bee Life – Intervention Hero”. $50.-$100. 2). To: Our “Collaborative Exterminator”, up to $200 to cover the would have been service charge, Plus an additional $100 “Collaborative appreciation Bonus.” 3). To: Our “Live BeeHive Relocation Specialist” – $$ we cover the service cost! $$ up to $500 or more under unique circumstances, ie: Contractor / Handyman reconstruction.

  • You, Me, Everybody & ALL OF US: BeeLove.Fun Strongly encourages “us all” to be familiar with a few of our *high rated, “local live beehive relocation specialists” & to have the numbers of at least 3 local “live beehive relocation companies”, stored in our contacts on our phones at all times, even better if on speed dial, to help the practice of this “bee life saving solution of extermination intervention”, that if & or when any of us ever find ourselves in a situation where we are aware that the “order of an extermination on a bee family” has been placed, that any of us, may be able to be the “Negotiating Bee Life – Intervention Hero” by calling up any of our 3 “speed-dial-ready” local “live beehive relocation specialist” to ensure the availability of a “momentary stand-by live bee rescue” & that we may collaborate with the “exterminator” to have a “live beehive relocation service” performed in place of an extermination! 1BeeLove.Fun will financially reward YOU, “The Bee Life-Intervention Hero”, with a minimum, of $50. dollars & 2BeeLove.Fun will financially compensate the Exterminator with the full amount that would have been earned for the extermination services, PLUS an additional $100 for complying with you & the “live beehive relocation specialist” to help the regrowth of our bee population. 3BeeLove.Fun will also cover the cost of the services of the Live BeeHive Relocation. Sponsorship Reimbursement Qualifications: A CLEAR submission video *capturing the “Bee Life Saving Extermination Intervention” will be required for our records of transparency, to our financial resources department, Stats on how many “Bee Families have been saved each year through the influence of BeeLove.Fun, utilizing our methods of bee life saving solutions & for video content for our channels, to receive the reimbursing compensation cash! Contact us at BeeLoveDotFun@gmail.com. Att: “Extermination intervention reimbursement.”

#4a). Money: The problem of lack of funds. Even if someone has the “awareness” of “live beehive relocation options” & the “time” to accommodate a “live beehive relocation service”, it doesn’t always mean that they’ll have the financial budget to choose to save the lives of the bee families.
The average cost of a “live beehive relocation” is $375. & the average cost of an exterminator is $150. If the cash is an issue, & the bees “absolutely must go”, then anyone can see how it would be “financially advantageous” to move forward with an Exterminator ………& sadly, there goes the loss of another bee colony, where we’re already facing a bee re-population challenge.

#4b). Money: The problem of lack of funds & it’s solution of created sources of primarily residual income to ensure that funds would always be available to rescue any bee families that are in danger of being exterminated for whatever reason.

#4c). BeeLove.Fun: Through http://BeeLove.Fun, 9 sources of mostly residual income have been created to help fund the financial demand of intercepting & rescuing bee families from exterminations.

#4d). How you may help

  • You: ¹ You too may also help fund this cause in various ways, some of which require no money at all.  =)
    Following is a list of various ways in-which YOU as an individual may help financially fund BeeLove.Fun ranging from “$0 Dollar budgets” on up to “endless $ dollar budgets.”
  • 1st). Way that you may help Fund: = N0 cost $0 Dollar help options. =) A). Interactively view our online content.Watch, Comment, Like, Follow & Please subscribe. Our content is monetized, & pays us based on the stats of the “algorithms registration of activities”, the more our content is viewed & especially interactively commented upon, the more income is earned to fund the Practices of our “Bee-Life Saving Cause. B). You may play any of our online “video content playlist” on “Looping Repeat”, & or Create your own custom playlist from our video content & Play your favorite video playlists of our content on “Looping Repeat” throughout the day. This too will trigger the algorithm to pay out more to our channel based on the consistent registration of your very helpful activity. =)
  • 2nd). Way that you may help Fund: is to: Purchase BeeLove.Fun’s, “Collaborative Fundraiser Merchandise.” Ie: Art /Music /1Mill CountDownDecals
  • 3rd). Way that you may help Fund: Rent/Lease Renting some of our BeeLove.Fun leas-able Fundraising Ambient Lighted Art pieces.
  • 4th). Way that you may help Fund: “Financial Sponsorship!” (BeeLoveDotFun@gmail.com) ¹Finacially Sponsor: a Traditional “Live BeeHive Relocation Service” @ $375 (for those cases where someone calls in the need to “Save a Family of Bees” but lacks the cash to cover the expense of a “Live BeeHive Relocation Service!”) ²Finacially Sponsor: a Time Sensitive “Special Ops Emergency Extraction Task Force BeeRescue mission at $1500. ³Finacially Sponsor: a “Bee Family Life Saving Extermination Intervention” at an average of $1k covering the services of 3-4 parties. Finacially Sponsor: Material expenses for Artistic Ventures, that are created through BeeLove.Fun, to generate funding, that we may continue in the practice, of our cause of bee-life, family saving solutions. To sponsor please email BeeLoveDotFun@gmail.com Att: Sponsor (A) Traditional Live Bee Relocation @$375/ (B) sponsor a time sensitive EELBrso TaskForce BeeRescue @$1500 /(C) Sponsor Extermination Intervention @$1000 /& or (D) Sponsor BeeLove.Fun productions @$any amount.